Gen Con 2023 World Open Qualifier Thursday Heat

August 3, 2023
Event #3897
Anakin Skywalker (SoC)
Malice, Ancillary Ion Weapons (SoC), R2-D2 (Republic)
Padmé Amidala
Marksmanship, Passive Sensors, Proton Torpedoes
"Odd Ball" (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
"Wolffe" (SoC)
Wolfpack (SoC), Veteran Tail Gunner, Q7 Astromech
"Jag" (SoC)
Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech, Synchronized Console
#1: Tyler Tippett
View in YASB
Anakin Skywalker (SoC)
Malice, Ancillary Ion Weapons (SoC), R2-D2 (Republic)
"Kickback" (SoC)
Diamond-Boron Missiles, Munitions Failsafe
"Odd Ball" (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
Kit Fisto, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
Padmé Amidala
Marksmanship, Passive Sensors, Proton Torpedoes
#5: jcomely
View in YASB
"Odd Ball" (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
"Wolffe" (SoC)
Wolfpack (SoC), Veteran Tail Gunner, Q7 Astromech
"Jag" (SoC)
Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech, Synchronized Console
Dedicated, R3 Astromech, Precision Ion Engines
Ion Cannon Turret, Proton Bombs
#9: theblastdoors
View in YASB
"Odd Ball" (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
"Wolffe" (SoC)
Wolfpack (SoC), Veteran Tail Gunner, Q7 Astromech
"Jag" (SoC)
Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech, Synchronized Console
"Kickback" (SoC)
Diamond-Boron Missiles, Munitions Failsafe
"Axe" (SoC)
Deadeye Shot, Barrage Rockets
Deadeye Shot, Marksmanship, Synchronized Console
#11: Colin Richard
View in YASB
Temmin Wexley
Heroic, M9-G8, Integrated S-Foils, Underslung Blaster Cannon
Nien Nunb
Heroic, Pattern Analyzer, R6-D8, Integrated S-Foils, Heavy Laser Cannon
Ello Asty
Marksmanship, Heroic, Integrated S-Foils, Heavy Laser Cannon
Poe Dameron (YT-1300)
Trick Shot, Lone Wolf, Chewbacca (Resistance), Rey, Engine Upgrade, Rey's Millennium Falcon
#5: Joel Springle
View in YASB
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
"Backstabber" (BoY)
Crack Shot, Disciplined, Afterburners
"Mauler" Mithel (BoY)
Predator, Afterburners
Vult Skerris (TIE Interceptor)
Ruthless, Shield Upgrade
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
#6: jonbabs
View in YASB
Darth Vader (BoY)
Marksmanship, Hate, Afterburners
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
Trick Shot, Seventh Sister, Death Troopers, Agile Gunner, Electronic Baffle, Dauntless
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Captain Jonus
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
#7: cam_murray
View in YASB
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Beskar Reinforced Plating
Keo Venzee
Predator, Concussion Missiles
Han Solo
"Chopper" (Crew), Perceptive Copilot, Bistan, Engine Upgrade, Millennium Falcon
Hol Okand (BoY)
Dorsal Turret, Adv. Proton Torpedoes, Precise Astromech (BoY)
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
#8: mkasunic
View in YASB
Saw Gerrera
Notorious, Leia Organa, "Chopper" (Crew), Contraband Cybernetics, Pivot Wing
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Corran Horn (X-Wing)
Hopeful, Mag-Pulse Warheads, R3 Astromech, Servomotor S-Foils
Keo Venzee
Lone Wolf, Concussion Missiles
Horton Salm
Dorsal Turret, Plasma Torpedoes
#9: lunarentity
View in YASB
Han Solo (BoY)
Chewbacca (BoY), Rigged Cargo Chute, Millennium Falcon, L3-37's Programming (BoY)
Leia Organa
Shattering Shot, Bistan, Nien Nunb, Perceptive Copilot
Tycho Celchu
Starbird Slash, Elusive, Heavy Laser Cannon, Mag-Pulse Warheads
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Beskar Reinforced Plating
#10: squadronm
View in YASB
Fenn Rau (Rebel Fang)
Crack Shot, Predator, Beskar Reinforced Plating
Han Solo
"Chopper" (Crew), Perceptive Copilot, Bistan, Engine Upgrade, Millennium Falcon
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Keo Venzee
#11: Johnathan Grasser
View in YASB
"Odd Ball" (SoC)
Selfless, Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech
"Wolffe" (SoC)
Wolfpack (SoC), Veteran Tail Gunner, Q7 Astromech
Anakin Skywalker (SoC)
Malice, Ancillary Ion Weapons (SoC), R2-D2 (Republic)
Padmé Amidala
Marksmanship, Passive Sensors, Proton Torpedoes
"Jag" (SoC)
Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech, Synchronized Console
#12: Dion Morales
View in YASB
Fenn Rau
Fearless, Marksmanship, Shield Upgrade
Proton Torpedoes
Dace Bonearm
Moldy Crow, Gamut Key, Contraband Cybernetics, Marksmanship
Bossk (Z-95 Headhunter)
Marksmanship, Expert Handling
Joy Rekkoff
Ion Torpedoes, Fearless
#13: thud
View in LBN
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Captain Jonus
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
Emperor Palpatine
Darth Vader (TIE Defender)
Malice, Heavy Laser Cannon
#14: Chris Smith
View in YASB
Fenn Rau
Fearless, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Burnout Thrusters
Old Teroch
Fearless, Marksmanship, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics
The Mandalorian
Clan Training, The Child, Electronic Baffle, Razor Crest
Leema Kai
Plasma Torpedoes, R4-B11
#15: umfcminion
View in YASB
Maarek Stele
Fire-Control System, Predator, Crack Shot
Synced Laser Cannons, Target-Assist MGK-300, Trick Shot
"Pure Sabacc"
Shield Upgrade, Marksmanship
Emperor Palpatine
Obsidian Squadron Pilot
Obsidian Squadron Pilot
#16: Shane Peate
View in LBN
Airen Cracken
Marksmanship, Passive Sensors, Plasma Torpedoes
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
"Dutch" Vander
Proton Torpedoes
Magva Yarro
Marksmanship, The Child, Tactical Officer, Contraband Cybernetics, Pivot Wing
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Beskar Reinforced Plating
#17: wsmithm
View in YASB
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
Corran Horn (X-Wing)
Predator, R4 Astromech
Wedge Antilles (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Marksmanship, Proton Torpedoes, R2-A3 (BoY)
Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter)
Lone Wolf
Gina Moonsong
Marksmanship, Fire-Control System, Proton Cannons, Seismic Charges, Delayed Fuses, Stabilized S-Foils
#18: Andy Mrozek
View in YASB
Darth Vader
Brilliant Evasion, Elusive, Pattern Analyzer, Fire-Control System, Afterburners
Lieutenant Lorrir
Lone Wolf, Targeting Computer
Rear Admiral Chiraneau
Death Troopers, Seventh Sister, Agile Gunner, Proton Bombs, Delayed Fuses, Dauntless
Magna Tolvan
Disciplined, Ion Cannon, Precision Ion Engines
#19: izzy
View in YASB
Saw Gerrera
Snap Shot, Leia Organa, Deadman's Switch, Pivot Wing
Magva Yarro
Snap Shot, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, Pivot Wing
Wes Janson
Snap Shot, Mag-Pulse Warheads, R4 Astromech, Servomotor S-Foils
Luke Skywalker (BoY)
Attack Speed (BoY), Instinctive Aim, Proton Torpedoes, R2-D2 (BoY)
#20: brewdude
View in YASB
Darth Vader (SSP)
Hate, Ion Missiles, Afterburners
"Mauler" Mithel (BoY)
Predator, Afterburners
"Backstabber" (BoY)
Crack Shot, Disciplined, Afterburners
Lone Wolf, Shield Upgrade
Tomax Bren
Saturation Salvo, Barrage Rockets, Bomblet Generator
#21: deathbymelancholy
View in YASB
"Jag" (SoC)
Veteran Tail Gunner, R4-P Astromech, Synchronized Console
Elusive, "Fives", Veteran Turret Gunner, Agile Gunner, Synchronized Console
"Axe" (SoC)
Deadeye Shot, Barrage Rockets
"Kickback" (SoC)
Diamond-Boron Missiles, Munitions Failsafe
Expert Handling
#22: kickback
View in YASB
Gina Moonsong
Fire-Control System, Proton Cannons, Plasma Torpedoes, Stabilized S-Foils
Ten Numb
Marksmanship, Fire-Control System, Synced Laser Cannons, Plasma Torpedoes, Stabilized S-Foils
Magva Yarro
Tactical Officer, K-2SO, Contraband Cybernetics, Tactical Scrambler, Pivot Wing
Luke Skywalker
Instinctive Aim, Elusive, Proton Torpedoes, R5-D8, Servomotor S-Foils
#23: hasnolo
View in YASB
Moralo Eval
Trick Shot, Perceptive Copilot, Lando Calrissian (Scum), Greedo, Contraband Cybernetics
Marg Sabl Closure, Ion Cannon
Mandalorian Royal Guard
Marksmanship, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics
Mandalorian Royal Guard
Marksmanship, Beskar Reinforced Plating, Mandalorian Optics
Bossk (Z-95 Headhunter)
Marksmanship, Deadman's Switch
#24: patrickpatrickrstv
View in YASB
Marksmanship, Shield Upgrade
"Odd Ball" (ARC-170)
Dedicated, Clone Commander Cody
Marksmanship, Shield Upgrade
Mace Windu (Delta-7b)
Heightened Perception, R4-P17
Expert Handling, R7-A7, Alpha-3B "Besh", Seismic Charges
#25: mr_spin
View in YASB
Ello Asty
Swarm Tactics, Ferrosphere Paint, Integrated S-Foils
Kare Kun
Ferrosphere Paint, BB-8, Integrated S-Foils
Jessika Pava
Automated Target Priority, R2-D2 (Resistance), Integrated S-Foils
Temmin Wexley
Heroic, Ferrosphere Paint, R6-D8, Integrated S-Foils
Venisa Doza
Barrage Rockets, Munitions Failsafe, Integrated S-Foils
#26: clusty
View in YASB